of winners and losers

ive been hell bent on mood swings lately. 

that's gotta change.  i can't live like this.

i'm becoming a tortured artist, and i'm not even trying! 

at the rate that my melancholia comes and goes, i should be exhibiting in NY or something, geez! 

right now, Dubai will have to do! 

I took part in a group exhibition, and one of my images got selected. 

Specifically, this one:


on a high

on a high

The online gallery can be viewed here. 

Congratulations have been in order, but I still feel I have such a long long way to go. But the best part is, thank goodness I get joy out of this. Otherwise I'd be a tad screwed!


I've also decided that I need to actually execute the images that are eating away at my head.. and let them eat other people instead!!  I need to stop keeping all these things inside me bottled up, for fear of people reading that I'm a few lettuces short of a picnic and sending over the men in the white coats.

It's time.  

I made this picture a while back.

a beautiful struggle

a beautiful struggle

It's also how I was feeling for a long time, before the exhibition. Like a rat in a sinking ship, struggling to keep afloat.  Either with photography or just struggling with my demons silently. I wanted to put a little robot man, because that is how society ingrains it in you.. you must conform, you must do this, this is how we do things around here in Dubai, this is how you're supposed to act, just like a robot.. Nobody just gets the fact that I don't want to be like everyone else here in Dubai! I don't care about super expensive clothes or super fancy cars or partying and drinking all night. Yes I look like crap and yes I dress like shit. Been there, done that, didn't make me miserable, but didn't elevate my life either! So, DONT CARE, thank you very much! Just like me for me, or leave!

The help and support is also represented here.. but, stubborn, proud me.. I refuse to take it. I know I can get by on my own. There's also the little fact that I tend to have high expectations from myself and others, which eventually turns out to be a VERY bad idea. So this has sort of done a 180 on me, in that I just refuse to accept help. Which maybe is also a VERY bad idea as I'm pretty sure I'll never get anywhere in life if I keep up with that attitude.

I initially had plans to do a grandoise attempt of this picture, but after a few failures, I decided to take a different attempt at this, so I decided to do it with some of my miniatures collection.

I LOVE miniatures, this project already has me super excited.  :)


on feelings and other tangled illusions

I was reading this article today, which finally.. finally.. after 3 long months, made me want to write.

In a nutshell, Khalid Hosseini (an author who really moved me with his words) explains that even he, a man who sold 38 million copies of his books, has limitations in truly expressing the written word. One of his favourite passages are from one of Stephen King's novels:

"The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them - words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemy would love to steal away."

Now, I'm not a writer, and nor do I think I can sell 38 million copies.. (wellll, never say never..), but I kinda get what he's saying. 

My lack of desire to write, or to take photographs lately, stems from the same desire (.. or lack of it)... of just trying to figure it all out.

I feel like I've been in this stage forever. When I used to write, I was lost, helpless, but.. happy, and chugging through life with my myriads of adventures. Now that I take photos, I feel like I'm in the same conundrum, still trying to figure out what this is all about. Except now I think a lot more.

I miss doing stupid things. I still remember the thrill from jumping from a mini cliff into the warm waters of the Ottawa River when I went whitewater rafting (i can't swim to save my life). I miss just picking up the phone and calling your crush and asking him out for a movie date. I miss the thrill of being a blissful idiot, a title I was truly proud of being, as in the example when I walked into a laser eye clinic one day to get my eyes fixed without any research or fear, all by myself.  

If you ever want to know the meaning of life - my answer to truly living a selfless, happy life - start looking at the world with child-like eyes. And instead of looking at the memories gone by as days you can never get back, start looking at them as lessons.

I love being a child. I know I am truly blessed that people even mistake me for a young adult! I do wish though, that my immaturity would take precedence on melancholic days when I feel like I am better off living in a desolate island away from all human life.

I attract the best kind when I am deliriously happy for no reason. My art makes me happy. And, like everything else in life, when you are truly truly happy, you attract someone who can't wait to be around you. 

And therein lies the crux of the problem, because like everything in life, they never stay. I used to think this was just a temporary state of being, but now I am starting to realize that maybe it's just my fate. Maybe this is how it's supposed to be.

So sometimes all the hurt can really take its toll. You can only write so much, until the cup runneth over. You can only make images so much, until you feel you have to start putting on a filter so people don't think there is something wrong with you. And it's not even past stories or broken dreams that dwarf your visions. The fact of the matter is, you find yourself completely broken. And when you are broken, you are unable to make solid dreams. 

So you put on a filter. You stop talking about it. You catch yourself when you are about to say something. You limit your interactions with certain people. This becomes a catch 22, as people can only give what you give back. You start to understand what being an island is all about. The hurt seems less deep, because there is no one to penetrate that hurt in your litte island. And no, there's no boat. You start enjoying it. 

And then one day you wake up, and you realize, you are alone.  

Yes, everyone loves you. But, you are .. alone, which, I think, is the biggest fear that human beings may face. Let's face it, no one wants to be alone. It's like dying while you're still alive.  It is human nature to be with someone, even for a little while. 

Which brings us to the second conundrum. I'm not even sure I want to be with someone anymore. Ever.

It's not that I am hurting, or jaded, or bitter, or tired. After all that I have been through, I think.... it's enough.  A union or commitment is a beautiful thought. It keeps you warm. But, maybe it is for.. other people. Those that understand one other. Those that are not selfish. Those that are willing to fight for each other.  Those that love. I have a whole lot of love to give. But, maybe I'm meant to do that sporadically, for short bouts of time. Maybe it's not them anymore. Maybe its just me.

I've been having this constant battle for the last little while. As I get older, I am told that I need to find someone, because as a woman I cannot possibly stay single for the rest of my life. But the more I am away from it all, the more I realize that maybe this is what makes me happy. Because being happy equals to less hurt. And I'll take less hurt any day.

And I'm fine with this. I'm happy (Mom, I hope you're listening :D so please stop worrying!)  

This picture took me a while to make. I feel like with my never-ending zest for life, I'm always getting attached to 'something', but the 'something's' always unattainable, or the 'something' was a figment of my imagination, or the 'something' just wasn't meant for me in the first place.

At the same time, I wonder if maybe I should stop getting myself tangled up in all this mess. Except lately, I don't even wonder anymore. I just think, nah. I just want to live a happy and simple life.

It's a constant battle.  

It's unfortunate that it had to even come to a "battle". Maybe I am better off seeing things as a child when it's less complicated and everything is beautiful and innocent.

marriage of tangled illusions

marriage of tangled illusions

As per the Stephen King quote, the most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemy would love to steal away. 

I guess this is how I'd explain my lack of activity - my thoughts are all I have, and I just don't feel like disclosing the landmarks to my treasury. Except, at the same time, as an artist, that is really all you have and that you must express. And if you cannot display that, it would be tantamount to calling yourself a fraud. Hence, this inner conflict have given rise to this series entitled, "the battle with id".


an attempt at a paranoid dancer's soul

sometimes with all the curveballs that life throws you, you wonder how is it that you’re supposed to go anywhere that resembles a straight and narrow path.

i’ve been so busy with my commercial shoots lately that i’ve had no time to do what i love – conceiving and executing my own ideas for photography. i have been so antsy and restless.  on top of that, i got bogged down with a nasty flu the size of texas, and i just couldn’t get myself to do anything besides sleep whenever the time allowed, followed by a general disinterest in anything remotely creative.

and then, suddenly, it was like the angels started to sing. a sign.

Got called to do a simple photoshoot with lots of motion, for a creative head of music and fashion.

Patrik is the Artistic Director for Armani/Prive, and if you’ve heard or seen his work, you’d be a little overwhelmed too. It’s just so refreshing to meet more creative juices in Dubai, I feel like we are so short of it here.

I checked out Patrik’s website (www.paranoiddancer.com) and I realized I could do so much more with this man’s creative vision. A simple photoshoot of fashion or motion would just be such a waste.

I wanted to show this man, and what he was, in all his glory! I had one week. Oh boy.

So my stylist and I put our heads together, and from our conversations with Patrik, we decided we wanted to do some environmental portraiture with him – but something to squash all the stereotypes about him, and at the same time exhibit some portraiture to show what he is all about – a man whose head is constantly brimming with funky ideas with music, fashion, perspectives, thoughts… oh and the icing on the cake – he writes so eloquently. There is nothing more sexy than a man who knows how to express his thoughts in such a fluid manner.

We told our ideas to Patrik, and he was game for anything. This is what a dream subject is all about – when they go over and beyond what you ask of them.

So we came up with these sets of images: